タワレコ 缶バッジキーホルダーS【Tower Records Button Badge Keychain S】

「タワレコ 缶バッジキーホルダーS」は缶バッジを傷をつけることなく、キーホルダーとして持ち歩くことができるアイテムです。
"Tower Records Button Badge Keychain S" is an item that allows you to carry around your button badge as a keychain without damaging it.

I saw a great idea on social media about making a keychain with Pokemon coins inside it, so I decided to introduce it on my website!
The label contains the product's price and specifications.

A metal parts set, clasp, main body, and instruction manual are included.

The instruction manual contains instructions on how to use it and "tricks".

The metal part on the top allows you to hang it on your pants, bag, etc.

留め具の裏表にはそれぞれ“TOWER RECORDS”と“NO MUSIC, NO LIFE.”と刻印されています。
The front and back of the clasp are engraved with "TOWER RECORDS" and "NO MUSIC, NO LIFE." respectively.

The main body is transparent and can store 6 items in total.

Regular size Pokemon coins can be stored perfectly.

If you are using a coin from overseas that is larger than a large size, it will be tight, and the cover to prevent it from falling off cannot be closed, so it is better to choose a size M or larger rather than a size S.

In addition, the "tricks" section included in the instruction manual introduces how to connect two pieces of the same item using a fastener like this.

I actually tried storing 6 Pokemon coins.

Because of its compact size, it can be casually displayed as a key chain.

If you hang it on your pants or bag, you can carry up to 6 of your favorite Pokemon with you just like in the game world.

重さが通常時は28.7 g、ポケモンコインを6枚収納すると38.6 gでした。
The weight was 28.7 g when normal, and 38.6 g when storing 6 Pokemon coins.

Although it is not recommended for long-term storage or collecting coins, it is an attractive item as an idea item.