ミーティングレポ/Meeting Report

第1回:2024年5月19日/1st: May 19, 2024


開催場所は東京渋谷にある「POKÉMON CARD LOUNGE」です。

Through this website, I met an American coin collector living in Japan and held an off-line meeting to trade Pokemon coins.

The event will be held at "POKÉMON CARD LOUNGE" in Shibuya, Tokyo.


The interior of the store was clean and luxurious, with many chairs and tables set in a large space.

POKÉMON CARD LOUNGE」の利用者には、記念ノベルティとしてエネルギーマークがデザインされたウェルカムカード全11種の内から、ランダムに1つ(今回は炎エネルギー)をいただくことができました。

As a commemorative novelty, users of "POKÉMON CARD LOUNGE" were able to randomly receive one of the 11 types of welcome cards with an energy mark design (this time, it was a flame energy card).

This is a limited edition rare item that can also be used as a partition board inside the deck case.


He owns a large number of coins, including Japanese coins as well as American ones, and I had the pleasure of viewing his rare and valuable collection from end to end.

2024年5月現在で、日本のコインの中で筆者が唯一持っていないピカチュウ:ゴールドノンホロ【Pikachu Gold Non Holofoil】がコレクションにはありましたが、1枚のみ所有ということで残念ながらトレードは叶いませんでした。

As of May 2024, the only Japanese coin that I don't own is Pikachu: Gold Non Holofoil in his collection, but unfortunately I can't trade it because I only own one. did not.

また、エーフィ&デオキシス:シルバーサイケデリックホロ【Espeon and Deoxys Silver Psychedelic Holofoil】とブラッキー&ダークライ:シルバークラックドアイスホロ【Umbreon and Darkrai Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil】の2枚にはそれぞれ裏面の表記が®と™があり、®は日本で™は韓国のコインだという情報を教えていただきました。


In addition, the two coins, Espeon and Deoxys Silver Psychedelic Holofoil and Blacky and Darkrai Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil, have ® and ™ on the back, respectively. Yes, I was told that ® is a Japanese coin and ™ is a Korean coin.

When I checked my storage after I got home, I found both ® and ™, so I'm writing an article to introduce them.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for trading the following eight coins from your precious collection.
1枚ずつの詳細は各記事をご覧ください/Please see each article for details on each page.

I can trade too! If you are interested, please feel free to let us know!