BOSS×ポケモンカードコラボキャンペーン ボス カフェオレ【BOSS Pokémon Card Collaboration Campaign BOSS Café au Lait】

On February 4, 2025, Suntory's coffee brand "BOSS" collaborated with Pokemon cards and released 17 types of Pokemon cans.

BOSSの缶コーヒーには複数種類がありますが、その中の「ボス カフェオレ」に2種類のポケモンコインがプリントされています。
There are multiple types of BOSS canned coffee, and two types of Pokemon coins are printed on the "BOSS Cafe au Lait".

The familiar BOSS logo is printed on the front.

Pikachu and Eevee coins are printed on the back, and you can access the campaign page from the QR code at the bottom.

プリントされているポケモンコインは実際のコインと同じ、原寸大のサイズ(直径約3 cm)でした。
The printed Pokemon coin was the same size as the actual coin, the actual size (approximately 3 cm in diameter).
Details such as the ingredients of the coffee are listed on the side.

The top and bottom are the same as regular cans.

中には薄茶色のカフェオレが185 g入っています。
There is 185 g of light brown cafe au lait inside.

甘くて飲みやすく、かつ爽やかさも感じられるおなじみの「ボス カフェオレ」でした。
The familiar "BOSS Cafe au Lait" was sweet, easy to drink, and refreshing.

The campaign is running until June 1, 2025, and you can win Pokemon card pattern cushions and PayPay points, so be sure to apply!