ポケコインチョコ Pokémon GO/PokéCoin Chocolate Pokémon GO

「ポケコインチョコ Pokémon GO」は2019年12月19日に発売されたチョコレート菓子です。
“Pokécoin Chocolate Pokémon GO” is a chocolate confectionery released on December 19, 2019.

The team logos of Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres are printed on the side.

また、別側面にはPOKÉMON GOのロゴがプリントされています。
In addition, the POKÉMON GO logo is printed on the other side.

When you open the box and pull out the tray inside, you will find 5 coin-shaped chocolates shaped like Pokécoins and a Pokécoin sticker.

直径約38 mm、厚さ約4.5で金属製の包装を剥がすと中にはポケコインの柄がかたどられたチョコレートが入っています。
It is approximately 38 mm in diameter and approximately 4.5 mm thick. When you peel off the metal packaging, you will find a chocolate shaped like a Pokécoin inside.

When compared with the actual Pokémon coin, it looks like this, and you can clearly see the high degree of reproduction.

重さは全体で48.9 g、1個あたり包装ありで5.9 g、包装なしで5.5 gでした。
The total weight was 48.9 g, 5.9 g per piece with packaging, and 5.5 g without packaging.

This is a fun chocolate candy unique to Pokémon that looks cute and tastes delicious.