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ピカチュウ・イーブイに会おう!豪華景品いっぱいキャンペーン! C賞 ポケモンカードゲーム コインアルバム【Meet Pikachu and Eevee! Campaign full of luxury prizes! C Prize Pokémon Card Game Coin Album】


ポケモンカードゲーム コインアルバム」は、2018年12月7日から開催された“ピカチュウ・イーブイに会おう!豪華景品いっぱいキャンペーン!”で配布されました。

“Pokemon Card Game Coin Album” was distributed at the “Meet Pikachu and Eevee! Campaign Full of Luxury Prizes!” held from December 7, 2018.


It was lined up as a special prize + prizes A to D, which can be received by pasting the application ticket included in the expansion pack "Tag Bolt" onto an application form and sending it in.


Various energy symbols are drawn in a ring shape on the cover, and a pattern of an octagonal Poké Ball is printed on the back cover.

背表紙には“COIN ALBUM”と記載があります。

The back cover says “COIN ALBUM”.

サイズは211 × 150 mmでコンパクトなサイズ感。

The size is 211 x 150 mm, giving it a compact feel.


The inside is made of urethane material with 24 holes that can store one coin at a time.


This is what it looks like when you store coins in all the holes.

重さは空の状態で122 g、コインを24枚収納すると約155 gになりました。

The weight is 122 g when empty and approximately 155 g when filled with 24 coins.


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