ポケモンカードゲームくじ B賞 ピカチュウコインのクッション・ダメカンのクッション【Pokemon Card Game Lottery Pikachu Coin Cushion & Damage Counter Cushion】

"Pikachu Coin Cushion", "Damage Counter Cushion" were the B prize of the "Pokémon Card Game Lottery" released on January 1, 2016.

Prize B includes “Pikachu Coin Cushion,” “Damage Counter Cushion,” and “Hoopa EX.”

The front and back sides look like this.

A cushion that perfectly reproduces the Pikachu coin & Damage Counter.
裏面には®表記と「©2015 Pokémon, ©1995-2015 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.」の表記を確認できます。
On the back, you can see the ® notation and the notation "©2015 Pokémon, ©1995-2015 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc."

The side looks like this, it is not flat like a real coin.

Since it is a relatively small cushion, it is suitable for displaying on a sofa etc. rather than for practical use.

I compared the size with the actual Pokemon coin and damage counter that were modeled.

重さはピカチュウコインのクッションが177.0 g、ダメカンのクッションが173.8 gでした。
The weight of the Pikachu coin cushion was 177.0 g, and the weight of the Dame Kan cushion was 173.8 g.

Although it is a character item, it is surprisingly not too flashy and is a cute cushion that will accent your interior.
