ポケモンカードゲーム デッキシールド コイン柄【Pokemon Card Game Coin Pattern Card Sleeves】

「デッキシールド コイン柄」は、ポケモンカードゲーム20周年を記念して2016年9月16日に発売されました。
"Coin Pattern Card Sleeves" was released on September 16, 2016 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Pokemon card game.

Product details are listed on the back of the package.

Each pack contains 32 cards, so if you want to use it in a 60-card deck, you will need to prepare two.

Like other deck shields, it has a glossy design, and the back of the card has a Chansey coin pattern.

When you actually insert the card, it looks like this.

Due to the thinness of the lines, it seems that the pattern is not an early Chansey coin, but a coin included in the reprint starter pack released in February of the same year.

I compared it with an actual coin.

I love how the Chansey Coin, which all Pokemon card game players know, is used as a card sleeves!