In addition to this website, I also share information about Pokémon coins on X (formerly Twitter), where I post a list of coins I am currently looking for. The person who reached out to me had seen one of these posts, which led to this trade.
As stated on the “Trade Requests” page, trades that do not involve direct meetings require a high level of trust, so I have generally been cautious about engaging in them.
However, this time, I received a generous offer, and more importantly, the person was willing to trade a coin that I had been eager to obtain. Given this rare opportunity, I decided to take on the challenge of an international mail trade.
Since this was also the first time my trade partner had done a mail trade, we discussed various ideas and eventually settled on the following procedure.
お相手が追跡・保証付きで筆者宛に発送 The counterpart ships to the author with tracking and insurance.
筆者が受け取り、内容を確認 The author receives the package and verifies its contents.
筆者が追跡・保証付きでお相手宛に発送 The author ships to the counterpart with tracking and insurance.
お相手が受け取り、内容を確認 The counterpart receives the package and verifies its contents.
The package was shipped from Taiwan on March 11, 2025, and it arrived at my location just two days later, on March 13.
I was surprised at how quickly it arrived despite being an international shipment. However, considering the relatively short distance between Japan and Taiwan and the fact that it was sent via express shipping, it made sense that the delivery was so fast.
Inside the package, I found the coins I had been looking for, along with several heartwarming gifts, which made me very happy.
The coins I received in this trade are as follows:
インドネシアや台湾で配布された5種類 Five types distributed in Indonesia and Taiwan.
その未開封品3個 Three unopened items of those.
台湾のPremium Strength Boxに同梱された2種類 Two types included in the Taiwan Premium Strength Box.
未開封のホウオウのコイン Unopened Ho-Oh coins.
In total, I received 18 valuable coins.
各コインの詳細はそれぞれの記事をご参照ください/The details of each coin can be found in their respective articles.
どれも日本では入手が非常に困難なコインばかりで、正直なところ諦めかけていました。ですが、まさに奇跡のような出来事が起こり、心から感激しています! All of these coins are extremely difficult to obtain in Japan, and to be honest, I had nearly given up. However, something truly miraculous happened, and I am genuinely overwhelmed with joy!
And the following gifts were included.
台湾名物「パイナップルケーキ」/Taiwanese specialty "Pineapple Cake."ポケモンセンター台北限定 悠遊カード/Pokémon Center Taipei limited edition 悠遊カード (EasyCard).九份のポストカード/Postcard from Jiufen.ポストカード裏面(直筆のお手紙)/Back of the postcard (handwritten letter).バトル★ネオ サマーロード記念ハーフデッキケース/Battle★Neo Summer Road commemorative half deck case.バトル★ネオ サマーロード記念紙プレイマット/Battle★Neo Summer Road commemorative paper playmat.
心のこもった直筆のお手紙に加え、台湾ならではのパイナップルケーキや悠遊カード、さらには限定の非売品などが同封されており、私だけでなく家族も感動いたしました。 The heartfelt handwritten letter, along with uniquely Taiwanese items such as pineapple cakes, an EasyCard, and exclusive limited-edition goods, deeply moved not only me but also my family.
After confirming the safe arrival of my package, I promptly shipped my part of the trade the following day, sending the agreed-upon coins to my trade partner.
筆者からもささやかではありますが、感謝の気持ちを込めた品をいくつか同梱させていただきましたが、詳細はここでは控えさせていただきます。 I also included a few small tokens of appreciation, but I will refrain from detailing them here.
A few days later, the package successfully arrived in Taiwan, marking the completion of our trade.
Through this trade, I was able to acquire Indonesian and Taiwanese coins that I had nearly given up on obtaining, making it an extremely satisfying exchange for me.
Additionally, my trade partner mentioned that it is quite difficult to acquire Japanese coins in Taiwan. Thanks to this trade, they were able to get closer to completing their collection. I believe this trade was a wonderful experience for both of us.
If you are a Pokémon coin collector living outside of Japan and are interested in trading but are hesitant due to not being able to meet in person, please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to discuss potential trades with you.
ポケモンexシンボル:紙製【Pokémon ex symbol Cardboard】絵柄/Pictorial Patternポケモンexシンボル/Pokémon ex symbolサイズ/Size紙製ラージサイズ/Cardboard-Large-sized色/Color-ホロ/Holofoil紙製/Cardboardリリース/Relea...
The primary objective of this meetup was, of course, to trade coins. However, I had also prepared some questions in advance, as I wanted to ask him about his extensive knowledge of Pokémon coins.
The first question was regarding the text engraved above the trademark symbol on the back of some coins.
In conclusion, the exact details remain unclear. However, it appears that this marking is exclusive to coins manufactured in Japan and is likely an indication of production batch numbers or something similar.
Some American coins also feature the same engraving, which suggests that those coins were most likely manufactured in Japan.
「X」「4」などアルファベットや数字が刻印されている/Some coins have letters or numbers engraved on them, such as "X" or "4".
これについてもし明確な答えを知っている方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひご連絡ください! If anyone has a clear answer regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Next, we discussed how to distinguish between different coins.
Since 2025 began, I have been focusing more on collecting coins from outside Japan. However, I have often encountered situations where it was nearly impossible to differentiate between certain coins just by looking at images.
I asked him about this, and by directly comparing the coins side by side at the meetup, we were able to confirm the differences.
First, we examined the yellow (gold) coins featuring energy symbols as their design, comparing the Japanese and American versions.
左が2005年日本のコインで右が2005年アメリカのコインです/The coin on the left is a 2005 Japanese coin, while the one on the right is a 2005 American coin
目を凝らすと右のアメリカのコインのほうが少しだけ色が濃く見えます。 Upon close inspection, the American coin on the right appears to be slightly darker in color.
Next, we looked at the American gold (bronze) Pikachu coin.
左が2014年、右が2016年/The left coin is from 2014, and the right coin is from 2016
このコインは本当に見分けがつきづらいですが、右のコインが少しだけ色が濃く見えるためカラーをブロンズとして定義しています。 These coins are extremely difficult to distinguish, but since the right coin appears slightly darker, I have classified its color as bronze.
Thanks to his cooperation, my questions were answered, and I feel much more confident that my future coin collection efforts will go smoothly.
I am truly grateful for his help.
There are still many mysteries surrounding Pokémon coins. If you ever notice anything new, please feel free to reach out or share any information you may have.
引き続きトレード募集もしておりますので、よろしくお願いいたします! I am still open to trade offers, so please feel free to reach out!
Strictly speaking, the fourth session is not a meeting report as we did not actually meet, but since we were able to interact with coin collectors, I would like to introduce the contents.
On January 20, 2025, an email was sent to this website from someone who claimed to be a French coin collector.
To summarize, he said, ``If you want something from my coins, I'll give it to you.''
An image with a list of coins was also attached to the email.
It is true that I felt a variety of emotions, including surprise and excitement, as well as the suspicion that there was something behind the scenes.
After thinking about it, I gratefully decided to accept the proposal.
When I told him that and the address to send it to, he informed me that it had been shipped by international mail the same day.
Eight days later, on January 28, 2025, I received an envelope.
The coin was in excellent condition, and I was so moved by the message I received and the cute Gengar stamp.
When I immediately emailed him to let him know that the coin had arrived safely, he was happy and relieved.
I feel very fortunate to be running this website, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the French coin collector.
thank you very much.
いただいた4枚のコインはしっかりと紹介していますので、こちらもぜひご参考ください! I have thoroughly introduced the four coins we received, so please take a look!
I thought it would be empty since it was early in the new year, but I was surprised to see so many people playing Pokemon cards that the seats were filled.
The welcome card I received as a commemorative novelty was fairy energy.
前回は炎エネルギーだったため、ダブらないでホッとしました。 Last time it was fire energy, so I was relieved that it wasn't a duplicate.
The first thing he took out was a special coin case with the image of a Poké ball.It was designed to store Pokemon coins beautifully arranged vertically, and it was a wonderful piece of work.
趣味である3Dプリンターを使って自作されたようで、他の作品も彼のYouTubeチャンネルなどで見ることができますのでぜひ! It looks like he made it himself using a 3D printer, which is his hobby, and you can check out his other works on his YouTube channel!
There were many items in his collection that I had never seen in real life, and I was able to take some photos of them.
中でも特にラフレシア:グリーン紙製【Vileplume Cardboard Green】のミラーホロが存在していることを確認できたのが最大の収穫でした! Among them, the biggest gain was being able to confirm that Vileplume Cardboard Green mirror holofoil existed!
The coins I put out for trading look like this.
He gave me the following 17 coins.
1枚ずつの詳細は各記事をご覧ください/Please see each article for details on each page.
カイオーガ:ブルーノンホロ【Kyogre Blue Non Holofoil】絵柄/Pictorial Patternカイオーガ/Kyogreサイズ/Sizeラージサイズ/Large-sized色/Colorブルー/Blueホロ/Holofoilノンホロ/Non Holofoilリリース/Release Date2018/08/0...
2025年初から素晴らしいトレードができる機会をいただき、本当にありがたい限り…今年もいい年になりそうです! I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to trade wonderfully from the beginning of 2025…this year looks like it will be another good year!
We made an appointment to meet again with the American collector with whom we had the first off-line meeting, and about four months later we held the second Pokémon coin trade-off meeting.
The first thing he showed me was a card he had recently been collecting, which he could get at the "Pokémon Wonder" held at Yomiuriland in Tokyo.
同じ絵柄でも2021年、2022年、2023年のものをそれぞれ別種として集めるという徹底ぶりで、さすがのコレクター魂を感じます。 The thoroughness of collecting 2021, 2022, and 2023 pieces of the same design as separate categories gives you a true sense of the collector's spirit.
Before the trade, he gave me a set of 3 Pokémon coins released in China in May 2023.
彼に教えてもらうまでこのセットが発売されていたことすら知らなく、また日本国内ではなかなか手に入れづらいので本当にありがたい限りです! I didn't even know this set was on sale until he told me about it, and it's hard to find in Japan, so I'm really grateful!
日本では入手困難な海外初期のコインをこんなにたくさん譲っていただいて…感無量です! I'm overwhelmed with emotion because I've been given so many early overseas coins that are difficult to obtain in Japan!
As a commemorative novelty, users of "POKÉMON CARD LOUNGE" were able to randomly receive one of the 11 types of welcome cards with an energy mark design (this time, it was a flame energy card).
デッキケース内の仕切り板としても使える限定のレア物です。 This is a limited edition rare item that can also be used as a partition board inside the deck case.
He owns a large number of coins, including Japanese coins as well as American ones, and I had the pleasure of viewing his rare and valuable collection from end to end.
As of May 2024, the only Japanese coin that I don't own is Pikachu: Gold Non Holofoil in his collection, but unfortunately I can't trade it because I only own one. did not.
ピカチュウ:ゴールドノンホロ【Pikachu Gold Non Holofoil】絵柄/Pictorial Patternピカチュウ/Pikachuサイズ/Sizeレギュラーサイズ/Regular-sized色/Colorゴールド/Goldホロ/Holofoilノンホロ/Non Holofoilリリース/Release Date...
また、エーフィ&デオキシス:シルバーサイケデリックホロ【Espeon and Deoxys Silver Psychedelic Holofoil】とブラッキー&ダークライ:シルバークラックドアイスホロ【Umbreon and Darkrai Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil】の2枚にはそれぞれ裏面の表記が®と™があり、®は日本で™は韓国のコインだという情報を教えていただきました。
In addition, the two coins, Espeon and Deoxys Silver Psychedelic Holofoil and Blacky and Darkrai Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil, have ® and ™ on the back, respectively. Yes, I was told that ® is a Japanese coin and ™ is a Korean coin.
When I checked my storage after I got home, I found both ® and ™, so I'm writing an article to introduce them.