見分けづらいポケモンコイン10選/Pokemon coins that are difficult to distinguish
ゴールドノンホロ/Gold Non Holofoil
There are two types of coins with exactly the same pattern: Pikachu and gold non holofoil surfaces.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2013/08 | 2021/12 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ピカチュウ/Pikachu | ピカチュウ/Pikachu |
色/Color | ゴールド/Gold | ゴールド/Gold |
ホロ/Holofoil | ノンホロ/Non Holofoil | ノンホロ/Non Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2013/08/17 | 2021/12/17 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ™ |
Both surfaces are Gold Non Holofoil and cannot be distinguished even if you compare them up close.

The key to telling the difference is whether the registered trademark mark on the back is ™ or ®.

The registered trademark mark for coins distributed in August 2013 is ®.
The one from August 2013 is a coin that can only be earned by those who win three consecutive games in the Pokémon Game Show TCG tournament, and the one from December 2021 is a coin that is far different in rarity from the coin that comes with the paper playmat that was distributed for free.

Due to the free distribution, the second-hand market is flooded with coins from December 2021, and it has become extremely difficult to find coins from August 2013.

ゴールドレインボーホロ/Gold Rainbow Holofoil
There are 3 types of coins with the same pattern: Pikachu and gold rainbow holofoil on the surface.

The common features and differences between the three coins are as follows.
2016/07 | 2018/11 | 2020/09 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ピカチュウ/Pikachu | ピカチュウ/Pikachu | ピカチュウ/Pikachu |
色/Color | ゴールド/Gold | ゴールド/Gold | ゴールド/Gold |
ホロ/Holofoil | レインボーホロ/Rainbow Holofoil | レインボーホロ/Rainbow Holofoil | レインボーホロ/Rainbow Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2016/07/23 | 2018/11/02 | 2020/09/18 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ® | ™ |
The one from September 2020 can be distinguished because the trademark registration mark is ™, but the one from July 2016 and November 2018 cannot be distinguished because there is no difference in appearance.

Points to look for in the used market are those from July 2016 that are sold with Gardevoir coins that were also distributed at Pokemon Center Mega Battles, and those from November 2018 that are sold with Zekrom coins that were also distributed at GX Ultra Shiny Battles. It means whether it is sold together with coins.

I was able to identify them because they happened to be sold together, but if they were mixed together by mistake, I wouldn't be able to tell.

シルバーグリッターホロ/Silver Glitter Holofoil
There are two types of coins that have a Pikachu design, a silver color, and a holofoil that is very similar.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2023/03 | 2024/03 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ピカチュウ/Pikachu | ピカチュウ/Pikachu |
色/Color | シルバー/Silver | シルバー/Silver |
ホロ/Holofoil | グリッターホロ/Glitter Holofoil | クロスグリッターホロ/Cross Glitter Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2023/03/24 | 2024/03/08 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ™ | ™ |
The key to telling the difference is whether the holo glitter shines randomly or in a cross pattern.

You can clearly see it if you tilt it and shine a light on it and look closely, but in photos it is almost impossible to tell apart, making it difficult to identify.

There are two types of coins with the exact same pattern of Arceus and gold rainbow holofoil on the surface.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2009/07 | 2019/09 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | アルセウス/Arceus | アルセウス/Arceus |
色/Color | ゴールド/Gold | ゴールド/Gold |
ホロ/Holofoil | レインボーホロ/Rainbow Holofoil | レインボーホロ/Rainbow Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2009/07/08 | 2019/09/06 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ™ |
The key to telling the difference is whether the registered trademark mark on the back is ™ or ®.

The registered trademark mark for coins distributed in July 2009 is ®.
2009年7月のものはバトルロードトーナメントで優勝した人に贈られたコイン、2019年9月のものはヤマダ電機 ポケモンコイン プレゼントキャンペーンで配布されたものになります。
The one from July 2009 is a coin given to the winner of the Battle Road Tournament, and the one from September 2019 is a coin distributed in the Yamada Denki Pokemon Coin Present Campaign.

Few collectors are aware of the existence of these two coins, and they are difficult to find on the second-hand market.

There are two types of coins with similar designs: Dialga and Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2006/11 | 2014/09 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ディアルガ/Dialga | ディアルガ/Dialga |
色/Color | シルバー/Silver | シルバー/Silver |
ホロ/Holofoil | クラックドアイスホロ/Cracked Ice Holofoil | クラックドアイスホロ/Cracked Ice Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2006/11/30 | 2014/09/13 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ® |
The classification is the same as Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil, but the one made in November 2006 has a rainbow color when reflected, and the one made in September 2014 only glows silver when reflected.

The one from November 2006 is the same color (holofoil) as the Blastoise coin, and the one from September 2014 is the same color as the Steelix coin.

The coins from November 2006 are the coins included in the Constructed Standard deck, and the coins from September 2014 are the coins distributed during the campaign.

Many collectors are not aware of the difference between these coins as they are both Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil, and depending on how the photo is taken, they look the same, making them difficult to find on the used market.

There are two types of coins with similar designs: Zekrom and blue surfaces.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2011/12 | 2018/11 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ゼクロム/Zekrom | ゼクロム/Zekrom |
色/Color | ブルー/Blue | ブルー/Blue |
ホロ/Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil | シーンホロ/Sheen Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2011/12/23 | 2018/11/02 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ® |
The one from December 2011 is a mirror holofoil, and the one from November 2018 is a completely different holofoil from a sheen holofoil, but depending on how you take the photo, they can look the same, making it difficult to tell them apart.

It's obvious when you compare them, but when you look at them separately, you often wonder which is which.
The December 2011 coin set is a Lawson original coin set and is relatively easy to obtain, but the November 2018 coin set was distributed at an event, so there is less circulation, and I get the impression that not many people know about its existence. is.

One point to consider is that if it is sold together with Pikachu coins distributed at the same event, it is from November 2018.

シルバー斑点ホロ/Silver Splotch Holofoil
There are two types of coins with exactly the same Chansey pattern and silver splotch holofoil surface.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2016/02 | 2021/10 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ラッキー/Chansey | ラッキー/Chansey |
色/Color | シルバー/Silver | シルバー/Silver |
ホロ/Holofoil | 斑点ホロ/Splotch Holofoil | 斑点ホロ/Splotch Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2016/02/27 | 2021/10/22 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ™ |
The key to telling the difference is whether the registered trademark mark on the back is ™ or ®.

The registered trademark mark of the coins shipped in February 2016 is ®.
The February 2016 coin is included in the reprint starter pack, and the October 2021 coin is included in the 25th anniversary special set.

In particular, the February 2016 version is bundled with the premium reprint starter pack, making it difficult to obtain on the used market.

ピンクミラーホロ/Pink Mirror Holofoil
There are three types of coins with exactly the same Chansey pattern and pink mirror holofoil surface.

The commonalities and differences between the three coins are as follows.
1999/07 | 2001/04 | 2016/09 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | ラッキー/Chansey | ラッキー/Chansey | ラッキー/Chansey |
色/Color | ピンク/Pink | ピンク/Pink | ピンク/Pink |
ホロ/Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 1999/07/30 | 2001/04/06 | 2016/09/16 |
裏面/Back side | 任天堂/C/G | POKÉMON CARD GAME | モンスターボール+® |
The key to distinguishing them is the type on the back.

1999年7月のものはイントロパックに同梱されたコイン、2001年4月のものはイントロパック neoに同梱されたコイン、2016年9月のものは拡張パック20周年記念ブースターボックス購入キャンペーンで配布されたコインになります。
The one from July 1999 is the coin included in the intro pack, the one from April 2001 is the coin included with the intro pack neo, and the one from September 2016 is from the expansion pack 20th anniversary booster box purchase campaign. This will be the distributed coin.

It's hard to tell by the front, but the back is completely different, so you can tell at a glance.
エネルギーシンボル/Energy symbols
ブルーミラーホロ/Blue Mirror Holofoil
There are two types of coins that have energy symbols and similar blue surfaces.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2005/01 | 2018/07 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | エネルギーシンボル/Energy symbols | エネルギーシンボル/Energy symbols |
色/Color | ブルー/Blue | インディゴ/Indigo |
ホロ/Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2005/01/16 | 2018/07/13 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ® |
The one from January 2005 is blue, and the one from July 2018 is the same blue as indigo, but they are slightly different, but depending on how you take the photo, they may look the same, making it difficult to tell them apart.

This site does not categorize the colors very precisely, but the colors of energy symbol coins are separated to clearly indicate that they are different types.
The January 2005 version is bundled with a commercially available set, so it is easy to obtain, but the July 2018 version was distributed as part of a campaign, so there is little circulation, and few people know about its existence. My impression is that it is small.

The one from July 2018 is particularly rare and is rarely seen on the used market.

イエローミラーホロ/Yellow Mirror Holofoil
There are two types of coins that have energy symbols and similar yellow surfaces.

The commonalities and differences between the two coins are as follows.
2005/01 | 2019/07 | |
絵柄/Pictorial Pattern | エネルギーシンボル/Energy symbols | エネルギーシンボル/Energy symbols |
色/Color | イエロー/Yellow | イエロー/Yellow |
ホロ/Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil | ミラーホロ/Mirror Holofoil |
リリース/Release Date | 2005/01/16 | 2019/07/20 |
商標登録マーク/Trademark registration mark | ® | ™ |
The key to telling the difference is whether the registered trademark mark on the back is ™ or ®.

The registered trademark mark for coins distributed in January 2005 is ®.
The January 2005 version is bundled with a commercially available set, so it is easy to obtain, but the July 2019 version was distributed at an event, so there is little circulation, and few people know about its existence. My impression is that it is small.

The one from July 2018 is particularly rare and is rarely seen on the used market.