ポケモンコインとは/What is Pokémon Coin?
ポケモンコインとは/About Pokémon Coins

On this site, coins related to the "Pokemon Card Game" developed by Creatures and distributed by Pokemon Co., Ltd. are referred to as "Pokemon Coins".
Similar products include the Pokemon Metal Coin that came with canned juices such as Meiji Dairies' Orange 30 and Apple 30, and the Pokemon Battle Coin that was available in Bandai capsule toys, but these coins are not available on this site.
ポケモンコインの歴史は古く、1996年10月20日に発売されたポケモンカードゲーム スターターデッキに同梱されたラッキーコインが最初の1枚です。
Pokemon coins have a long history, with the first Chansey Coin included in the Pokemon Card Game Starter Deck released on October 20, 1996.
Since then, we have added more varieties with each passing day, and from January 9, 1999, we began expanding overseas.
Nowadays, there are over 300 types of Japanese coins and over 485 types of foreign coins, for a total of over 785 types of coins.

Pokémon coins are used during battles in the Pokémon card game. Hold your hand, place the Pokemon coin on your thumb nail, and flip it to throw it.
You must make at least three complete revolutions before landing.
A coin toss that lands outside the play area will be considered a failure and the coin will be tossed again.
When the coin falls, if it lands heads it means success, and if it lands tails it means failure.
As mentioned above, there are several rules for coin tossing, and it can be difficult for children to pull it off successfully.
For this reason, goods called coin dice are now officially sold and can be used in place of coins.

Many Pokemon coins are made of plastic.
Also, some special coins distributed at events and campaigns are made of metal.
There are two types of metal coins: silver and gold.
Early coins from overseas were made of paper using cardboard.
For a long time since Pokemon Coins first appeared in 1996, Pokemon Coins were never sold separately, and the official pricing was unknown.
However, on December 4, 2020, the price was revealed with the release of a capsule toy that can be purchased for 200 yen (tax included) as the "Pokemon Coin Collection".
In the current used market, prices are set based on this price.

入手方法/How to get
There are four main ways to obtain Pokemon Coins.
セットの同梱物での入手/Obtained as part of the set
例えば2023年に発売された「スペシャルデッキセットex フシギバナ・リザードン・カメックス」には、フシギバナ・リザードン・カメックスのコインが同梱されました。
The most popular way to obtain Pokemon coins is through "set bundles".
For example, the "Special Deck Set ex Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise" released in 2023 included Coins of Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise.

配布での入手/Obtained through distribution
Pokémon Coins may be distributed through events, campaigns, etc.
Pikachu coins for 2023 were bundled with paper playmats distributed at Pokemon Centers, and Pokeball coins for the same year were distributed to those who earned stamps in gym battles.

One of the charms of Pokemon Coins is that you can get them for free if you don't miss any information.

カプセルトイでの入手/Obtained as a capsule toy
It can be obtained as a capsule toy called "Pokémon Coin Collection", which is sold as official merchandise for the Pokémon card game.

The first edition was released on December 4, 2020, and as of 2024, up to the fourth edition has been released.

When the new Pokemon coin collection is released, the number of Pokemon coin types will increase at once and it will be like a festival.
中古市場での入手/Obtained on the second-hand market
Many Pokemon coins can be obtained on the second-hand market.
Card shops in town also carry them, but we recommend using flea market apps (services) available online.
Among them, "Mercari" has over 22 million monthly users and has a large selection of items, making it ideal for searching for the coin you are looking for.
絵柄の種類/Type of pattern
There are four main patterns of Pokemon coins.
- ポケモン/Pokémon
- 人物/Person
- シンボル・エンブレム/Symbol and Emblem
- ポケモン+シンボル/Pokémon and Symbol
The first coin, “Pokémon,” is a coin with a simple design of a Pokémon.

Basically, a single Pokémon is depicted, but there are also many designs that feature two or three Pokémon together.
The second “person” coin is a coin with a design of a person from the Pokémon world, such as a trainer or gym leader.

Although there are few coins with images of people, many feature popular female characters.
The third "symbol and emblem" is a coin with an image of the icon of a villain such as Team Rocket or Team Plasma or a mark related to Pokémon.

The designs are based on familiar emblems and symbols, so people who know Pokémon will find them familiar.
The fourth coin, “Pokémon and Symbol,” is a coin with a pattern that combines a Pokémon and a symbol.

Many of the coins were made to commemorate something, and they are rare among all coins.
裏面の種類/Type of back side
There are six different patterns on the back of Japanese Pokemon coins.
デザイン/Design | 詳細/Description | 期間/Term |
![]() ![]() | 任天堂/C/G/M | 1996/10~1998/07 |
![]() ![]() | 任天堂/C/G | 1998/07~1999/07 |
![]() ![]() | POKÉMON CARD GAME neo | 2000/02~2000/07 |
![]() ![]() | POKÉMON CARD GAME | 2001/04~2002/07 |
![]() ![]() | モンスターボール+® | 2003/01~2019/05 |
![]() ![]() | モンスターボール+™ | 2019/08~ |

In order to distinguish coins with the same front side, it is necessary to look at the reverse side, which is actually a very important point.
“任天堂/C/G/M”が裏面に最初にデザインされたコインは「ラッキー:シルバー斑点ホロ 任天堂/C/G/M」で、1996年10月~1998年7月まで使われました。
The first coin with “任天堂/C/G/M” on the back was the “Chansey Silver Splotch Holofoil C/G/M” and was used from October 1996 to July 1998.

“任天堂/C/G”が裏面に最初にデザインされたコインは「ラッキー:シルバー斑点ホロ 任天堂/C/G」で、1998年7月~1999年7月まで使われました。
The first coin with “任天堂/C/G” on the back was the “Chansey Silver Splotch Holofoil C/G” and was used from July 1998 to July 1999.

As the distributor changed from Media Factory to Pokemon Co., Ltd., the "M" in "C/G/M" disappeared and became "C/G". (There is also a theory that a typo has been corrected.)
“POKÉMON CARD GAME neo”が裏面に最初にデザインされたコインは「ルギア:シルバーレインボーホロ」で、2000年2月~7月まで使われました。
The first coin with “POKÉMON CARD GAME neo” designed on the back was “Lugia Silver Rainbow Holofoil” and was used from February to July 2000.

“POKÉMON CARD GAME”が裏面に最初にデザインされたコインは「ラッキー:ピンクミラーホロ」で、2001年4月~2002年7月まで使われました。
The first coin with “POKÉMON CARD GAME” designed on the back was “Chansey Pink Mirror Holofoil” and was used from April 2001 to July 2002.

The first coin with “モンスターボール+®” designed on the back was “Treecko Green Mirror Holofoil” and was used from January 2003 to May 2019.

The first coin with “モンスターボール+™” designed on the back was “Energy symbols Yellow Mirror Holofoil” which has been used from July 2019 to the present.

There are also some exceptions where the back of metal coins has a unique design.

There are 7 different patterns on the back of overseas Pokémon coins.
デザイン/Design | 詳細/Description |
![]() ![]() | ©1999 Wizards coins |
![]() ![]() | ©1999 Wizards coins |
![]() ![]() | ©2000 Wizards coins |
![]() ![]() | Metal Lugia coin |
![]() ![]() | Metal Pikachu Coin |
![]() ![]() | モンスターボール+® |
![]() ![]() | モンスターボール+™ |
サイズの種類/Type of size
There are roughly 9 different sizes of Pokémon coins.
コイン例/Coin example | サイズ/Size | 直径/Diameter | 重さ/Weight |
![]() ![]() | レギュラーサイズ/Regular-sized | 約29.8 mm | 約1.3 g |
![]() ![]() | 紙製レギュラーサイズ/Cardboard-Regular-sized | 約30.2 mm | 約0.9 g |
![]() ![]() | ラージサイズ/Large-sized | 約34.2 mm | 約1.9 g |
![]() ![]() | メタルスモールサイズ/Metal-Small-sized | 約28.5 mm | 約2.6 g |
![]() ![]() | メタルレギュラーサイズ/Metal-Regular-sized | 約29.6 mm | 約5.5 g |
![]() ![]() | メタルサイズ/Metal-sized | 約31 mm | 約3.9 g |
![]() ![]() | メタルミディアムサイズ/Metal-medium-sized | 約32 mm | 約7.9 g |
![]() ![]() | メタルラージサイズ/Metal-large-sized | 約34.2 mm | 約11.3 g |
![]() ![]() | ジャンボサイズ/Jumbo-sized | 約51.5 mm | 約4.5 g |
“レギュラーサイズ”は日本のコインに主に採用され、直径約29.8 mm、重さ約1.3 gです。
“Regular size” is mainly used for Japanese coins and has a diameter of approximately 29.8 mm and a weight of approximately 1.3 g.

レギュラーサイズのコイン例/Regular size coin example
“紙製レギュラーサイズ”は海外のコインに採用され、直径約30.2 mm、重さ約0.9 gです。
The "paper regular size" is used for overseas coins and has a diameter of approximately 30.2 mm and a weight of approximately 0.9 g.

紙製レギュラーサイズのコイン例/Example of paper regular size coin
“ラージサイズ”は海外のコインに主に採用され、直径約34.2 mm、重さ約1.9 gです。
The "large size" is mainly used for overseas coins and has a diameter of approximately 34.2 mm and a weight of approximately 1.9 g.

ラージサイズのコイン例/Large size coin example
2013年5月8日にFrost Ray Theme Deckが発売され、その同梱物だった「デオキシス シルバーシーンホロ」のコインからラージサイズに変更されました。
それまでパッケージに記載していた「not for children under 3」の表記を、当時のPokémon Company Internationalが削除したかったのが理由です。
Nowadays, when we think of foreign coins, we tend to think of large size coins, but originally they were standardized to be regular size coins, which are the same as those in Japan.
The Frost Ray Theme Deck was released on May 8, 2013, and the "Deoxys Silver Sheen Holo" coin that was included with it was changed to a large size coin.
The reason for this was that Pokémon Company International at the time wanted to remove the notation "not for children under 3" that had previously appeared on the package.

レギュラーサイズとラージサイズの差はわずか4 mm程度ですが、この違いによって注意文を記載する必要がなくなるというのは興味深いです。
The difference between the regular size and large size is only about 4 mm, but it is interesting that this difference eliminates the need to include a cautionary note.
“メタルスモールサイズ”はメタルコインに主に採用され、直径約28.5 mm、重さ約2.6 gです。
“Metal Small Size” is mainly used for metal coins and has a diameter of approximately 28.5 mm and a weight of approximately 2.6 g.

メタルスモールサイズのコイン例/Metal small size coin example

The metal small size is probably made of aluminum and is characterized by being overwhelmingly light compared to other metal coins.
“メタルレギュラーサイズ”はメタルコインに主に採用され、直径約29.6 mm、重さ約5.5 gです。
“Metal Regular Size” is mainly used for metal coins and has a diameter of approximately 29.6 mm and a weight of approximately 5.5 g.

メタルレギュラーサイズのコイン例/Metal regular size coin example
“メタルサイズ”はメタルコインに主に採用され、直径約31 mm、重さ約3.9 gです。
“Metal size” is mainly used for metal coins, with a diameter of approximately 31 mm and a weight of approximately 3.9 g.

メタルサイズのコイン例/Metal size coin example
“メタルミディアムサイズ”はメタルコインに主に採用され、直径約32 mm、重さ約7.9 gです。
“Metal medium size” is mainly used for metal coins, and has a diameter of approximately 32 mm and a weight of approximately 7.9 g.

メタルミディアムサイズのコイン例/Metal medium size coin example
“メタルラージサイズ”はメタルコインに主に採用され、直径約34.2 mm、重さ約11.3 gです。
“Metal large size” is mainly used for metal coins, and has a diameter of approximately 34.2 mm and a weight of approximately 11.3 g.

メタルラージサイズのコイン例/Metal large size coin example
“ジャンボサイズ”は海外のコインに主に採用され、直径約51.5 mm、重さ約4.5 gです。
“Jumbo size” is mainly used for overseas coins, and has a diameter of approximately 51.5 mm and a weight of approximately 4.5 g.

ジャンボサイズのコイン例/Jumbo size coin example
2020年6月21日にPokémon Trading Card Game Battle Academyが発売され、その同梱物だった「ピカチュウ&リザードン&ミュウツー シルバークラックドアイスホロ」のコインが初めてのジャンボサイズのコインとなります。
Pokémon Trading Card Game Battle Academy was released on June 21, 2020, and the "Pikachu & Charizard & Mewtwo Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil" coin that was included with it was the first jumbo-sized coin.

Jumbo-sized coins are now included in various sets.

色の種類/Color type
More than 20 different colors are used for Pokémon coins.

Strictly speaking, there are many more colors in use, but since it would be boring if we categorized them too finely, we have categorized them based on about 20 colors on this site.
ホロの種類/Types of Holofoil
More than 20 types of holofoil are used in Pokemon coins.

For example, an interesting point is that even the same silver coin can look completely different depending on the holo.

Some holofoil are only used on one coin, so one way to enjoy them is to look for them from that perspective.
世代の意味/Meaning of generation
On this site, Pokémon coins are divided into generations according to the generations of the game software "Pokémon" series.
世代/Generation | ゲームソフト/Game software | 発売日/Release date |
第1世代/Generation 1 | ポケットモンスター 赤・緑・青・ピカチュウ/Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, Pikachu | 1996年2月27日~ |
第2世代/Generation 2 | ポケットモンスター 金・銀・エメラルド/Pokemon Gold, Silver, Emerald | 1999年11月21日~ |
第3世代/Generation 3 | ポケットモンスター ルビー・サファイア・エメラルド/Pokemon Rubym, Sapphire, Emerald | 2002年11月21日~ |
第4世代/Generation 4 | ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド・パール・プラチナ/Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum | 2006年9月28日~ |
第5世代/Generation 5 | ポケットモンスター ブラック・ホワイト・ブラック2・ホワイト2/Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, White 2 | 2010年9月18日~ |
第6世代/Generation 6 | ポケットモンスター X・Y/Pokemon X, Y | 2013年10月12日~ |
第7世代/Generation 7 | ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン・ウルトラサン・ウルトラムーン/Pokemon Sun, Moon, Ultra, Sun, Ultra Moon | 2016年11月18日~ |
第8世代/Generation 8 | ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド/Pokemon Sword, Shield | 2019年11月15日~ |
第9世代/Generation 9 | ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット/Pokemon Scarlet, Violet | 2022年11月18日~ |
第1世代の最初のコインは「ラッキー:シルバー斑点ホロ 任天堂/C/G/M」です。
The first coin of the 1st generation is "Chansey Silver Splotch Holofoil C/G/M".

The first coin of the second generation is "Lugia Silver Rainbow Holofoil".

The first coin of the 3rd generation is "Treecko Green Mirror Holofoil".

The first coin of the 4th generation is "Turtwig and Chimchar and Piplup Silver Rainbow Holofoil".

The first coin of the 5th generation is "Snivy and Tepig and Oshawott Silver Mirror Holofoil".

The first coin of the 6th generation is "Chespin and Fennekin and Froakie Silver Sheen Holofoil".

The first coin of the 7th generation is "Rowlet and Litten and Popplio Green Speckle Holofoil".

The first coin of the 8th generation is "Grookey Silver Cracked Ice Holofoil".

The first coin of the 9th generation is "Sprigatito Green Speckle Holofoil".

リージョンについて/About regions
Pokémon coins are distributed mainly in Japan, but also in North America, China, and South Korea.

By the way, it seems that until around August 2010, Japanese coins were used as they were bundled with American products.
レア度について/About rarity
On this site, the rarity of Pokémon coins is evaluated on a 10-point scale based on the author's own opinion and bias.

We do not take into account the historical background, the number of people playing the Pokémon card game, the amount of distribution, etc., and evaluate the difficulty of obtaining it on the second-hand market.
Please note that this rating is not constant and may change over time.

彫刻屋 花岡将美氏について/About the sculptor "Masami Hanaoka"
On December 27, 2019, a shocking article was published on the Pokemon Card Game Trainers website.
First of all, it was probably the first time that the origin of Pokemon coins was officially talked about, which is one reason why it had such a big impact.

The other thing is the content of the article, which says that a person named Masami Hanaoka who lives in Osaka has been carving coin molds by himself since the first Chansey coin.

The article talks about their commitment to cutters and the hardships they face when making molds, and is very interesting, so please take a look.

One thing that bothers me is the following sentence at the end of the article.
ポケモンコイン 金型彫りの職人さん
「スターターセットV 炎」のヒバニー、「スターターセットV 雷」のモルペコ、「スターターセットV 闘」のイシヘンジンの3種は、花岡さんの彫った金型から作られたコインになります。
この文章の意味をそのまま受け取ると「スターターセットV 草」のサルノリ、「スターターセットV 水」のメッソンの2種類のコインは花岡氏の金型ではない、となります。
If we take this sentence literally, it means that the two types of coins, Grookey from "Starter Set V Grass" and Sobble from "Starter Set V Water", are not Mr. Hanaoka's molds.
In other words, does this mean that the current Pokemon coins include coins that were not created by Mr. Hanaoka? That's a mystery.

Including this mystery, I would like to meet and interview Masami Hanaoka directly someday! That is my dream.
私とポケモンコイン/Me and Pokémon coin
その時に持っていたのがポケモンジム第2弾「タマムシシティジム エリカ」のクサイハナ、ポケモンジム第3弾「ヤマブキシティジム ナツメ」のフーディン、「neoスターターパック」のルギアの3種類のコインでした。
At the end of the article, I would like to explain how I encountered Pokemon coins, how I started collecting them, and the purpose of starting this site.
I was an elementary school student when the game software "Pokemon" and the "Pokemon Card Game" were released and became extremely popular.
As always, he was passionate about Pokemon games and Pokemon cards, and enjoyed playing against his friends at each other's homes and children's centers.
At that time, I had three types of coins: Gloom from the second Pokemon Gym "Tamamushi City Gym Erika", Alakazam from the third Pokemon Gym "Yamabuki City Gym Sabrina", and Lugia from the "Neo Starter Pack".

As time passed, I became a working adult, left my parents' home, got married, had children, and started a family.
Now that I can enjoy Pokemon with my children, my passion for Pokemon cards has been reignited.
I was filled with a nostalgic feeling when I dug up my old Pokemon cards and Pokemon coins that had been sleeping in my parents' house and reunited with them after several decades.
As I was looking at the three coins there, I suddenly wondered, "How many types of Pokemon coins are there?'" and that's when I started collecting them.
Nowadays, the internet environment and flea market apps, which were not available when I was a child, are abundant, and it has become much easier to collect items on the second-hand market.
If you do a search, you'll find tons of Pokemon coins for sale, and while they are easy to obtain, it was very difficult to verify the accuracy of the information.
Now I know all types of Japanese coins and am able to collect almost all of them.
And this experience of "It was difficult to understand the overall picture of Pokemon coins" led to the opportunity to start this site.
Volunteers have compiled and published a list and detailed information of previous Pokemon coins on the internet, but there are often no updates or missing information, so it was necessary to refer to multiple sources to organize the information.
It took me more than a year to organize that information, and I was able to complete the collection, but that know-how only exists in my head.
In particular, when I check the second-hand market on a daily basis, I find that there are many people who collect Pokemon coins, and I decided to create a Pokemon coin site as a way of expressing my gratitude for the information that has been made public by volunteers. I got an idea.
My big dream is to become "Japan's number one Pokemon coin site."
I would like to someday hear the story of Mr. Masami Hanaoka, a craftsman who makes molds, and with that in mind, I am sending out information about Pokemon coins today as well.